With extensive experience in the financial services industry, I create intuitive, impactful digital experiences that drive business goals.
118 118 Money
For the UK’s 118 118 Money, I was responsible for Brand, Product Design, Customer Communications Design, and Customer Experience in a very highly regulated environment.
This is a 118 118 Money loan product landing page. Customer journey design improvements resulted in a positive financial impact of £3.7M per year.
These are 118 118 Money credit card product landing pages. Application journey design improvements increased
conversions by 20%.
118 118 Money mobile app designs that enabled customers to service their loan and credit card products, as well as cross-sell other financial products.
Design efforts for the credit card business included the design of the physical credit cards for customers.
For this UK-based travel insurance organization, I delivered landing page designs, HTML email designs, display Ads, and Brand enhancements.
Optimized landing pages aimed to direct focus to the ease of use of this ground-breaking form of travel insurance.
And designed responsive HTML emails that reflected the updated look and feel of the brand.
Animated display Ads further showcased the new aspirational brand imagery.
Designed a modular information design system across 3 different insurance brands to focus and clarify insurance letters and statements,
The designs were also developed as responsive HTML emails.
This effort also included a comprehensive style guide covering customer communications, including brand guidelines and tone of voice guidelines.